Poland's Top Import And Export

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In 2020, Poland imported 257.2 billion dollars in goods from all around the world, up 36.4 percent from 2016 and 4.3 percent from 2019 to 2021.

The Polish zloty has appreciated by 1.1 percent against the US dollar since 2016 but has dropped by minus 1.6 percent from 2019 to 2020, according to the average exchange rate for 2020. 

Since 2019, Poland's weakening local currency has made imports paid in stronger US dollars more affordable when converted from the Polish zloty.

From a continental viewpoint, other European nations accounted for 76.9 percent of Poland's total imports by value. 

18.8 percent of the value of import products purchased by Poland came from Asian trade partners. 

North America with 2 percent was followed by Latin America with 0.9 percent, which excluded Mexico but included the Caribbean, Africa got 0.7 percent, and Oceania got 0.1 percent, which was topped by Australia and the Marshall Islands.

With a population of 38 million people, Poland's 2021 imports of 257.2 billion dollars equate to nearly 6,800 in annual product demand for each individual in the Central European country.

The following product groupings account for the majority of Poland's import purchases in 2020. 

The percentage share of each product category in terms of total imports into Poland is also given.

36 billion dollars in electrical machinery and equipment accounts for 14 percent of total imports

33.9 billion dollars in machinery, including computers, account for 13.2 percent 

21.2 billion dollars in vehicles account for 8.3 percent 

14.8 billion dollars in plastics and plastic goods stands at 5.8 percent

Mineral fuels, which include oil, are worth 13.5 billion dollars which is 5.3 percent

8.6 billion dollars in iron and steel stands at 3.3 percent

8.5 billion dollars in pharmaceuticals accounts for 3.3 percent

6.3 billion dollars in optical, technical, and medical equipment accounts for 2.4 percent

5.7 billion dollars in iron and steel articles stands at 2.2 percent

5.3 billion dollars in clothing and accessories account for 2.1 percent

The top ten imports from other nations accounted for three-fifths or 59.8 percent of the total value of Poland's goods acquisitions from other countries.

The fastest-growing cost increase among the top 10 import categories was imported pharmaceuticals, which increased by 31.9 percent from 2019 to 2020. 

Electrical machinery and equipment increased by 26.2 percent year on year, while unknitted and uncrocheted apparel and accessories increased by 25.9 percent.

Poland's Top Exports

The Republic of Poland, a Central European country bordered by Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, and Russia, sent 271.1 billion dollars worth of goods around the world in 2020. 

This figure represents a 38 percent growth from 2016 and a 7.6 percent increase from 2019 to 2020.

The Polish zloty has appreciated by 1.1 percent against the US dollar since 2016 but has dropped by minus 1.6 percent from 2019 to 2020, according to the average exchange rate for 2020. 

Since 2019, Poland's lower local currency has made exports paid in stronger US dollars more expensive for overseas purchasers.

According to the most recent available country-specific data, importers in Germany accounted for 28.9 percent of the global total, the Czech Republic with 5.8 percent, the United Kingdom with 5.7 percent, France with 5.6 percent, Italy with 4.3 percent, the Netherlands accounted for 4.2 percent, Russia accounted for 3 percent, Sweden accounted for 2.9 percent, the United States accounted for 2.8 percent, Spain with 2.5 percent, Hungary with 2.5 percent, and Slovakia purchased 70.9 percent of products exported from Poland.

From a continental standpoint, 88.6 percent of Poland's exports were supplied to European countries, while 5.6 percent were sold to Asian importers. 

Another 3.6 percent of Poland's exports went to North America. 

Africa got 1.2 percent, Latin America excluding Mexico but including the Caribbean got 0.6 percent, and Oceania, led by Australia, received a smaller percentage of 0.4 percent.

Poland's total 271.1 billion dollars in 2020 exports equates to nearly 7,100 dollars for every citizen of the Central European country, based on the country's 38 million residents.

The following export product groupings will account for the majority of Polish global shipments in 2020. 

The percentage share of each export category in terms of total exports from Poland is also shown.

36.5 billion dollars in machinery, including computers, accounts for 13.5 percent of total exports

34.3 billion dollars in electrical machinery and equipment accounts for 12.6 percent

26.3 billion dollars in vehicles account for 9.7 percent

14.8 billion dollars on furniture, bedding, lighting, signage and prefabricated buildings account for 5.4 percent 

13.1 billion dollars in plastics and plastic goods account for 4.8 percent 

8.6 billion dollars in iron and steel articles account for 3.2 percent

5.53 billion dollars in meat stands at 2 percent 

5.53 billion dollars in a wood account for 2 percent

5.47 billion dollars in optical, technical, and medical equipment accounts for 2 percent 

5.3 billion dollars in rubber and rubber products account for 2 percent

Poland's top ten exports accounted for over three-fifths of the total value of its global shipments which stands at 57.4 percent.

Wood was the fastest-growing export category among the top ten, increasing by 59.5 percent from 2019 to 2020. 

Electrical machinery and equipment came in second with a 34.4 percent increase in export sales. 

Poland's shipments of plastics, comprising goods made of plastic, increased by 11.6 percent, the third-fastest increase in value.

Vehicles went down by minus 11.5 percent and meat which was down by minus 11.5 percent were the only two annual decliners among Poland's top ten export categories down by minus 5 percent.

Automobile parts or accessories stand at 4.5 percent, computers including optical readers account for 2.3 percent, TV receivers, monitors, or projectors account for 2.2 percent, seats also 2.2 percent, miscellaneous furniture 2.1 percent, cars also 2.1 percent, electric storage batteries stands at 1.5 percent, cigarettes or cigars also at 1.5 percent, trucks account for 1.3 percent, and phone systems also 1.3 percent are Poland's most valuable export products at the four-digit Harmonized Tariff System code level.

Poland's total exported goods account for 21.2 percent of the country's overall Gross Domestic Product which represents 1.281 trillion in Purchasing Power Parity US dollars in 2020. 

In PPP terms, exports will account for 21.2 percent of overall GDP in 2020, compared to 20.5 percent in 2019. 

Although based on a short duration, this implies that Poland's entire economic performance is becoming increasingly reliant on products sold on overseas markets.

The unemployment rate is another important measure of a country's economic performance. 

According to Trading Economics, Poland's average jobless rate for 2020 was 6.5 percent, up from 5.5 percent a year earlier.

Warsaw is Poland's capital city.

Poland's Top Trading Partners

In 2020, the Republic of Poland, often known as Polonia meaning Land of the Fields, exported 271.1 billion dollars worth of commodities around the world. This figure represents a 38 percent growth from 2016 and a 7.6 percent increase from 2019 to 2020.

Using a continental perspective, 88.6 percent of Poland's exports were supplied to European countries, while 5.6 percent were sold to Asian importers. 

Another 3.6 percent of Poland's exports went to North America.

Africa got 1.2 percent, Latin America excluding Mexico but including the Caribbean got 0.6 percent, and Oceania, led by Australia, received a smaller percentage of 0.4 percent.

The following is a list of Poland's most important trading partners in terms of export sales. 

In terms of dollar value, these are the nations that imported the most Polish shipments in 2020. 

The percentage of total Polish exports for each import nation is also indicated.

Germany: 78.4 billion accounts for 28.9 percent of total exports from Poland

The Czech Republic with 15.8 billion dollars stands at 5.8 percent

15.5 billion dollars from the United Kingdom accounts for 5.7 percent

15.1 billion dollars with France stands at 5.6 percent 

11.8 billion dollars via Italy is 4.3 percent 

11.5 billion dollars in the Netherlands account for 4.2 percent 

8.2 billion dollars for Russia stands at 3 percent 

Sweden's 7.9 billion dollars account for 2.9 percent

7.7 billion dollars worth of trade with the United States is 2.8 percent 

Spain with 6.9 billion dollars accounts for 2.5 percent

Hungary with 6.8 billion dollars stands at 2.5 percent also

6.7 billion dollars with Slovakia accounting for 2.5 percent

Belgium with 6.4 billion dollars stands at 2.4 percent

6 billion dollars for Ukraine is 2.2 percent 

Romania with 5.7 billion dollars accounts for 2.1 percent

In 2022, the previously mentioned trading partners will account for more than three-quarters or 77.6 percent of Polish exports.

Hungary was the only major importer that reduced its purchases from Poland from 2019 to 2020, with a minus 2.7 percent decline in value. 

Gains varied from 0.6 percent for Italy to 14 percent for Sweden among the remaining 14 countries.


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