Top Cocoa Importing Countries

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As we know the use, importance, and economical value of cocoa cannot be over-emphasized.

This commodity has contributed significantly to the annual GDP of top exporting countries.

As of 2020, the overall global import value of cocoa was 6.25 billion dollars. 5.60 million metric tons of the commodity were imported across several countries.

The top cocoa importing countries are;

  • Netherlands
  • United States
  • Germany
  • United Kingdom
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Canada
  • Belgium
  • Switzerland
  • Japan

An average swiss eats nearly nine kilos of cocoa products annually. Switzerland is World-renowned for the chocolate they produce, it seems the Swiss themselves can’t get enough of the candy. The country’s neighbor, Germany is equally addicted to cocoa products, importing the largest share of Swiss chocolate of all countries in the world.

Austria, Ireland, and Great Britain are also top cocoa consumers.

Now let's take an indepth look at the top importing countries

The Netherlands is the highest importer of cocoa globally. In 2020, Netherland imported cocoa quantity valued at 2.4 Billion dollars. The majority of their importation came from the Ivory Coast, Nigeria, and Cameroon. Importation into the Netherlands accounts for 30.8 percent of cocoa global importation annually.

The United States of America is the second highest importer. Importation of cocoa into the United States accounts for 16.46 percent of cocoa's annual global importation. The majority of the United States cocoa importation comes from Ivory Coast, Ecuador, and Ghana.

The United States spends a whopping 1.0 Billion dollars annually on the importation of the commodity.

The third highest importer in the world is Germany. Germany is responsible for 12.43 percent of global cocoa importation valued at 776.9 million dollars. The ivory coast is responsible for majority of cocoa coming into Germany.

We also have the United Kingdom responsible for 5.03 percent of global cocoa importation valued at 314.6 million dollars. The United Kingdom is the fourth-largest importer of the commodity. The United Kingdom's major cocoa importer is the Ivory Coast.

Italy is the fifth-largest importer of the commodity with an average of 302.3 million dollars spent on importation which makes up 4.84 percent of global importation.

Spain sits at the number sixth position in terms of largest importers of cocoa. Annually, Spain imports an average of 262.0 million dollars value of the commodity. Spain is responsible for 4.19 percent of global importation.

The seventh-largest importer of the commodity in Canada. Canada is responsible for 4.16 percent of annual global importation valued at 259.8 million dollars.

Annually, Belgium spends 223.7 million dollars on the importation of cocoa making them the eighth largest importer of the commodity. Belgium holds down 3.58 percent of cocoa imports globally.

Surprisingly, despite being the biggest consumer of cocoa, Switzerland is the ninth importer of the commodity. Annually, Switzerland spends an average of 139.8 million dollars on the importation of cocoa. Switzerland is responsible for 2.24 percent of global cocoa importation.

Japan is the tenth-largest importer of the commodity with an importation value of 137.4 million dollars.


WATCH FULL VIDEO BELOW: Best Cocoa Import and Export Countries Worldwide 2021


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As of 2020, the overall global import value of cocoa was 6.25 billion dollars. The Netherlands is the highest importer of cocoa globally. The United States of America is the second highest cocoa importer. Austria, Ireland, and Great Britain are also top cocoa consumers. The United States spends a whopping 1.0 billion dollars annually on the importation of cocoa. Germany is responsible for 12.43 percent of global cocoa importation valued at 776.9 million dollars. Annually, Spain imports an average of 262.0 million dollars value of the commodity.




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