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Ghana's reliance on imported rice has been a long-standing issue, with the country importing about 60% of its rice consumption[3]. This not only drains the nation's foreign exchange but also poses a threat to food security. The Ministry of Food and Agriculture has emphasized the need to increase domestic rice production to achieve self-sufficiency, with a target of producing 1 million metric tons of rice locally to save $500 million in import expenditure annually[2].

Despite challenges in the rice seed and grain value chains, including inadequate processing infrastructure and quality standard testing, efforts have been made to boost domestic production[1]. The government has introduced initiatives such as the Special Rice Initiative and the Planting for Food and Jobs policy to support local farmers[1][2]. Additionally, research has shown that technological and organisational changes are taking place among rice processors, with a shift towards more advanced milling technologies and commercial processing[3].

It is crucial for Ghana to continue prioritizing the development of its local rice sector to reduce its dependence on imports. By doing so, the country can not only ensure food security but also save valuable foreign exchange and create jobs for its citizens. The time to stop relying on imported rice is now, and it is up to the government, farmers, and stakeholders in the rice value chain to work together to make this vision a reality.


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