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Overview of EXIM Bank Malaysia

Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad (EXIM Bank) was founded on 29 August 1995 as a government-owned development financial institution (DFI). It was established to promote and finance exports, imports, and overseas projects for Malaysian companies.

EXIM Bank is owned by the Minister of Finance Incorporated and operates under the purview of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI).

EXIM Bank's mandated role includes:

  • Providing credit financing
  • Export credit insurance
  • Guarantees

To support:

  • Exports and imports
  • Overseas projects and investments
  • Focus on non-traditional markets

EXIM Bank serves large corporations, SMEs, foreign governments, and companies. It covers all business sectors:

  • Manufacturing
  • Infrastructure
  • Agriculture

EXIM Bank offers two core business services:

  • Banking
  • Trade credit insurance/takaful

It has business transactions and facilities in 52 countries across 5 continents.

Rating Agency Rating
Moody's A3

EXIM Bank is a member of several strategic export financing organizations:

  • Berne Union
  • Asian EXIM Banks Forum
  • The Aman Union
  • Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific

As a DFI, EXIM Bank contributes to Malaysia's economic growth through export and overseas investment partnerships worldwide.

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Vision, Mission and Core Operations

EXIM Bank has outlined its vision and mission to guide its operations:


To be the preferred financier and advisor for global business.


To contribute to Malaysia's economic growth through worldwide trade and investment partnerships.

As an export credit agency, EXIM Bank's core operations include:

  • Export Financing - Providing credit facilities and insurance to support Malaysian exports.
  • Import Financing - Financing imports of capital goods and services to facilitate domestic economic activity.
  • Overseas Project Financing - Funding for Malaysian contractors and investors undertaking projects abroad.
  • Advisory Services - Advisory on trade finance, project exports and overseas investments.

Key Activities:

  • Export credit insurance
  • Guarantees
  • Islamic banking services
  • Conventional medium/long-term lending

Main Financial Products

  • Working capital financing
  • Foreign currency financing
  • Project financing
  • Special scheme financing
  • Treasury products

EXIM Bank has a global presence and business coverage in over 50 countries:

Region Number of Countries
Asia 15
Middle East 14
Africa 11
Americas 6
Europe 6

EXIM Bank plays a strategic role in supporting Malaysian companies to expand globally and enabling economic development.

Strategic Alliances and Government Partners

EXIM Bank pursues strategic alliances with international and regional organizations to boost its business and market outlook. It has executed agreements to further promote exports and facilitate Malaysian companies entering new markets.

EXIM Bank's key alliances and memberships:

  • Berne Union - An international organization for export credit agencies
  • Asian EXIM Banks Forum - An association of 9 EXIM Banks in Asia
  • The Aman Union
  • Association of Development Financing Institutions in Asia and the Pacific

EXIM Bank also collaborates with Malaysian government agencies for export promotion efforts:

  • Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI)
  • Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE)
  • Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA)
  • SME Corporation Malaysia (SMECorp)
  • Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia
Agency Role
MITI Oversees EXIM Bank operations and mandate
MATRADE Trade promotion agency
MIDA Investment promotion and development
SMECorp Development of small and medium enterprises
CIDB Construction industry development

These strategic partnerships help EXIM Bank carry out its mandate to provide financing facilities and support Malaysian exports and overseas projects. The collaborations with government agencies also promote foreign and domestic investment.

Key Details and Offerings

Here are some key details about EXIM Bank:

Corporate Information

  • Headquarters in Kuala Lumpur
  • RM2.9 billion paid-up capital
  • 309 employees
  • Regional offices in Penang, Johor Bahru, and Kuching


Agency Rating
Moody's A3

Global Coverage

  • Business in 52 countries across 5 continents

Products and Services


  • Working capital financing
  • Foreign currency financing
  • Project financing
  • Special scheme financing
  • Treasury products


  • Export credit insurance
  • Import insurance
  • Overseas investment insurance
  • Bond insurance
  • Political risk insurance
  • Trade credit insurance


  • Bid bonds
  • Performance bonds
  • Advance payment guarantees

Advisory Services

  • Trade finance advice
  • Feasibility studies
  • Market research
  • Investment analysis

EXIM Bank offers holistic solutions covering banking, credit insurance, guarantees and advisory services to support the cross-border ventures and global expansion of Malaysian companies.

With its strong credit ratings, regional presence and range of offerings, EXIM Bank is well positioned to fulfill its mandate as the government-owned export credit agency of Malaysia.

Summary and Conclusion

In summary, Export-Import Bank of Malaysia plays a key role in supporting Malaysian exports, overseas projects and facilitating global expansion.

As a government-owned export credit agency, EXIM Bank's mandate includes:

  • Promoting exports
  • Supporting overseas investments
  • Enabling Malaysian companies to enter new markets

Established in 1995, EXIM Bank provides:

  • Export credit insurance
  • Guarantees
  • Islamic banking services
  • Medium/long-term financing

EXIM Bank serves a wide range of clients from large corporations to SMEs across all business sectors.

Some key strengths of EXIM Bank:

  • Strong credit ratings (AAA, A3)
  • Member of major export credit organizations
  • Collaborations with government agencies
  • Global network spanning 52 countries

Looking ahead, EXIM Bank is well-poised to further develop Malaysia's export-oriented sectors, enable overseas expansion, and catalyze economic growth through trade and investment.

Some areas of opportunity include:

  • Expanding presence across Asia, Middle East and Africa
  • Supporting more SMEs to undertake export business
  • Facilitating infrastructure investments under Malaysia's development plans

In conclusion, EXIM Bank has successfully fulfilled its mandated role over the past 25+ years. It has become an indispensable partner for Malaysian exporters and investors venturing abroad. EXIM Bank is expected to continue playing a vital role in spurring Malaysia's future economic growth.


1. When was EXIM Bank established?

EXIM Bank was established on 29 August 1995 as a government-owned development financial institution (DFI) to promote exports and overseas projects.

2. What is EXIM Bank's role and mandate?

EXIM Bank's mandated role is to provide financing, credit insurance, guarantees and advisory services to support Malaysian exports, imports, overseas projects and investments.

3. What products and services does EXIM Bank offer?

EXIM Bank offers banking products, trade credit insurance/takaful, guarantee facilities as well as advisory services covering areas such as trade finance and overseas investments.

4. Who are the clients of EXIM Bank?

EXIM Bank serves a wide range of clients including large corporations, SMEs, foreign governments and foreign companies across all business sectors.

5. How does EXIM Bank support Malaysian companies venturing overseas?

EXIM Bank provides financing, insurance products and advisory services to facilitate Malaysian companies entering new markets abroad and undertaking projects or investments overseas.



















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